
Friday Favorites #8

It’s been almost 2 years to the day since I posted my last Friday Favorites! As they are a favorite of mine to read, I want to share some of my favorites with you. Here are are a few of the things I have been loving lately.

Indian-ish by Priya Krishna

Image result for indianish

I don’t remember how I heard of Indian(-ish) (affiliate link) but I’m so glad that I picked it up because it may be one of my favorite compilation of recipes ever. I usually only want to save a handful of recipes from a cookbook, but this American-Indian cookbook makes me want to try all of them! I’ve already made two this week! The book is almost completely vegetarian and for the most part, the recipes seem pretty simple to make. The only hurdle for most people would be the additional spices needed for your spice cabinet but there are in-a-pinch common (American) spice substitutions at the front of the book. I highly recommend checking this book out, whether or not you love Indian food!

Fall Colors

Every time we hit this point in the season, where the trees burst into flames of color at sunset, I find myself fighting in my head over which season reigns supreme. I love the spring because of the renewed hope after a season of despair yet the fall has an enveloping warmth to it despite the impending cold. I still can’t say which I prefer, but these colors are a reminder to live in the now and just enjoy the beauty while it lasts.


I don’t know if I’m the last one to learn this… or if I’ll be helping out another oblivious soul, but a humidifier has the power to change your life. When the heat comes on, the dry heated air can leave your nose, throat, and skin irritated. Enter, humidifier. Turns out my dry throat last week wasn’t a product of heated air but an oncoming cold but in either circumstance, this baby makes sleeping much more comfortable. If you wake up with a sticky mouth or irritated blocked up nasal passages, give one of these a try and see if it makes a difference for you. This is the one I have.


This guy has apparently been around for ages so I’m late to the party. But if you’re looking for some toddler music that (probably) won’t drive you crazy but will keep the baby hands-off entertained, then Raffi is a safe bet. I’ll admit that I’m probably more tolerant to kid music than most but these songs are catchy and clever so they have a bit more staying power. Some favorites to check out – Bananaphone, Baby Beluga, Peanut Butter Sandwich, and Apples and Bananas.

Enjoy your weekend!

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