
Passport Application Fail in DC + My Weekend

Happy Monday! My weekend was long – I tend to think of Fridays as the weekend since Brady doesn’t usually work but he worked an extra day this week. I tried getting my Australian passport on Friday after spending some time getting all the things ready to go.

I printed photos that I did myself (since Australia has different and more specific photo requirements) and picked those up at Walgreens on Friday morning. I then drove 30 minutes up to my old high school since I needed a teacher to sign my paperwork and photos as a guarantor. My plan was to drive straight to the embassy in DC from there but I’d somehow forgotten my birth certificate at home so I made the extra 30 minute drive back to the house before heading downtown.

I had lunch with my friend Steven at the Commissary in DC which served the most delicious mac and cheese I think I’ve ever had. It was intensely creamy with an insane depth of flavor… I might still be dreaming about it. The sweet potato fries were seasoned so well and the grilled vegetable panini (already half consumed) was also delicious.

the commissary in washington d.c. Sweet potato fries, grilled vegetable panini, mac and cheese.

It was exciting to be on a little piece of Australia so I had a quick photo taken before I went into the embassy.

embassy of Australia in Washington DC

My passport fail is that I was trying to apply for a new passport in my married name but Australia (or at least my birth state) doesn’t recognize overseas marriages as a means for changing your last name. This is something I had sort of known before but the passport application made it seem like my marriage certificate was enough. Either way, I’m now trying to get counsel on my next steps since it seems like my only option right now is to change my name on my birth certificate which I’m not really willing to do. I only have 2 months left to figure this out so I’m praying this works out.

On Saturday morning we took Henry to Sabbath School which he always loves and then he took a nap during church. After church we had lunch at my dad’s place and spent the afternoon hanging out as a family. We took a long walk in the neighborhood which was probably Henry’s favorite part of the day. This kid loves to be outside. Saturday ended with a birthday dinner at Maggiano’s for my mother-in-law.

baby taking a nap in dad's arms
walking the dog in fall colors
baby/toddler taking a walk in the fall colors

Sunday morning was stormy and miserable so we spent most of the morning getting the house cleaned up for the week. Brady spent the afternoon with his brother while my sister-in-law and I went out shopping for a few hours. It was nice to get out of the house without the baby for a little bit and recharge before another week!

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