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February 2017


Friday Faves #2

I’m going to start off my second edition of “Friday Faves” with a question. My husband has a short amount of time to eat lunch and likes to use that time to do paperwork so he doesn’t have as much to bring home; However, he has decided it’s too much work to heat food up or use a utensil to eat with so pretty much all he’ll eat for lunch is a PBJ or nuts, chips, snacks, etc. Not so healthy and PBJs can get dull after a while. What’s quick to make, or easy to meal prep, that fits his picky lunch needs? It’ll quickly become a fave if I can get some new options.

Without further ado, here are my Friday Faves:

The Fitness Marshall I have to start out with this video because if you haven’t seen it yet, you need to! I’ve watched this a number of times because it’s so hilarious and entertaining. I’d definitely try it out.

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Goals, Healthy eating

Sugar Addiction Resources

I had mentioned at the beginning of last month that I was going to try Sarah Wilson’s “I Quit Sugar” 8-week program but she also advocates against fresh fruit. I really want to reset my diet by eating more fresh food than processed food but I know that being too restrictive with my diet will have me constantly craving and feeling miserable.

I can’t go on a strict diet. I can’t blatantly cut out sugar. My goal is to learn to listen to my body for its fullness cues. I don’t want to cut sugar out for a month or more and then at the end of it be craving all the sugary goodness I can lay my hands on.

So what’s the deal with sugar?

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